CodeNYC Magazine Pure Pretty Punk Photo
DracInc New York Commercial Photographer
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CodeNYC Magazine Pure Pretty Punk Photo


A fashion story in CodeNYCMag, A New York base fashion, lifestyle and edgy magazine, called Pure Pretty Punk, shot at Search and Destroy. A vintage punk rock edgy store that sells apparel and accessories. On Dec 30 2015. Location St Marks Places in the East Vllage, New York City.

CodeNYC Pure Pure Punk Fashion

979 Punk NYC Captured on the Holy Ground of St Marks Place... W Jennifer Martin and Search and Destroy.

Search and Destroy Saint Mark Photo

Pure-Pure Punk Fashion Photo - Harlem Fashion Photographer Dracinc | Donn Thompson

Saint Marks Search & Destroy

CodeNYCMag, A New York and London based fashion, and lifestyle, edgy magazine. A twelve-page editorial called Pure Pure Punk shot at Search and Destroy. A vintage punk rock avant-garde store that market's fashion apparel and accessories to the street civilization. Cities around the world like New York, London, and Berlin street culture is life and bigger than ever

Pure-Pure Punk Fashion Photo

Saint Marks Street culture

Union Jack vintage Tee

Doc Martins Union Jack Photo

Location: 25 St Marks Pl A, New York, NY 10003.

1/50; f/2.8; ISO 3200; 20.0 mm.

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